Experience the Spotlight

Immerse yourself in the magic of live theatre with Spotlight Theatre Company in the heart of the Charente Maritime.

Faites l'expérience du Spotlight
Plongez dans la magie du théâtre en anglais avec la Spotlight Theatre Company au cœur de la Charente Maritime.

We passionately present professionally scripted and licensed shows in English, ensuring a captivating and authentic theatrical experience.

Pièces de théâtre professionnelles
Nous présentons avec passion des spectacles en anglais, scénarisés et autorisés par des professionnels, pour une expérience théâtrale captivante et authentique.

Professional Plays

Join our workshops where our open door policy aims to engage with the local community.

Engagement communautaire
Participez à nos ateliers où notre politique de portes ouvertes vise à s'engager auprès de la communauté locale.

Community Engagement

Testimonials - TĂ©moignages

I had no previous acting skills, apart from in my school play, too long ago to mention really! But the Workshops have given me tremendous confidence. With a Professional Director and other experienced members of the group guiding us, this group is suitable for everyone, from complete beginners to experienced actors.

The friendly welcome we received from everyone at Spotlight Theatre Company is unmatched. We don't want to be on stage, but can see what fun helping behind the scenes is going to be. Highly recommended!

Get in touch - Prendre contact